Passive Fire Protection

The Passive Fire Protection Federation (PFPF) recognise that the performance of all construction materials is dependent upon the way in which the product is installed. For this reason, the PFPF has always favoured third party accreditation of both materials and installers.

Approved Document B recommends that certified products and accredited parties should be used as a means of insuring that the products achieve the required level of performance.


Passive Fire Protection

Perameter Developments Ltd provide full certification for all work undertaken which is supported by the inspection and certification of IFC, a third party independent accredited inspectorate.

Our goal is to cost effectively install passive fire protection materials that meet or exceed regulatory requirements and the expectations of our customers.

Check out our IFC passive fire protection installer certificate

Fire Door Installer

Perameter Developments are now third party accredited by IFC as an installer of fire doorsets to all of the relevant standards and regulations.

In addition, we are also certified to undertake the work of refurbishing existing fire doors to bring them in with current fire standards, ensuring peace of mind on all of your fire doors.



We have installed fire stopping and passive fire protection at many buildings. Please see a selection of recent projects below:

+ Dagenham Park School (London)
+ Sydney Russell School (London)
+ Brampton School (London)
+ Forest Gate School (London)
+ Sarah Bonnell School (London)
+ Isambard School (Swindon)
+ Red Oaks School (Swindon)
+ Brimble Hill Schools (Swindon)
+ Nova Hreod School (Swindon)
+ Orchard Vale School (Swindon)
+ Moredon School (Swindon)

+ Pembury Hospital
+ Stoke Mandeville Hospital

+ Ministry of Defence (Corsham)

+ Grand Ocean Multi Complex (Saltdean, Brighton)

+ LeMeridien Hotel (London Piccadilly)